It's been a while since I dived into a S. King collection. I guess I have to take the plunge again! After all the years, one story sticks in my mind for a reason I can't put a finger on. It's "The Gingerbread Girl", in "Just After Sunset"... I can't recall any of the others gathered in there. Sometimes the man really gets to me! Great post, Sam.

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Jun 19Liked by Sam Wiebe

Great piece, Sam. YOU LIKE IT DARKER is terrific, and last week I powered through “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream” until well after midnight because I knew I just wasn’t going to be able to sleep until I finished it. I can’t recall the last time a story so held me in thrall. I do remember the same feeling in college when SKELETON CREW came out and I read it late at night, over several nights, in the lounge of my college dorm so my roommate could sleep. “The Mist” especially owned me in the sane way.

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Jun 19Liked by Sam Wiebe

Hi Sam, I’d love an audiobook for A Lonesome Place for Dying! I live on the Washington side of the border and I’ve always been fascinated by these towns at the edge of everything.

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Great piece, Sam. I've always preferred King's short stories over his novels because they make him focus on his strengths and keep him from wandering off on tangents.

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Thanks, James! Totally agree.

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