Jun 28, 2023Liked by Sam Wiebe

I find this really interesting! I've been reading the Expanse novel series and I found it being co-written under a pseudonym a twist from the writers' perspective. You can definitely tell the stylistic differences but I'm wondering if the double byline versus a single byline performs worse than others.

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Yeah it's interesting what you can get away with!

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Sam Wiebe

Congratulations on the new series! As a writer who juggles multiple pseudonyms, my feeling is that you shouldn't waste too much time worrying about keeping them separate. Readers who like you in one genre will probably want to find find the alternate you--or at least be curious. Even though I have some separate social media accounts for the different versions of me, I cross-promote now all the time.

Good luck! I know it can seem weird when a publisher treats you off as a "new" author.

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Thanks, Liz!

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Hey, Sam. Thank you for your honesty and transparency. I'm in the process of changing my author identity from Karen (I don't want to be one of THOSE Karens!) to K.R. Dodd. Not as challenging as using a pseudonym for sure, but still a lot to circle back around to and change.

Love your books. Good luck!

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I wouldn't let it worry you too much - Nora Roberts/JD Robb - Iain Banks/Iain M. Banks - some writers find freedom to write different genres under different names. True fans find them! I wrote articles and YA short stories early on under various names including my real one, I acted on stage under yet another one. When I decided to put my energy into this fiction thing, I settled on M.E. Proctor (it would be my married name if I'd changed it, lol - so close to the truth, sort of), and I've decided to stick with it. Some people ask me how the SF/Fantasy books are going (I have 4 of those). I just tell them I lead a happy life of crime (writing) now. Beyond a "ah, interesting, why?", it doesn't bug anybody. Roll with the tide, Sam.

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